REMS press jaw U18, holder for standard pressing machinesOrder no.: 80 120 24
only a few items left in stock Description for system (information without guarantee, see note below): A - AC-FIX H, PRESS-MULTI H (Global Piping Systems) - ACOME Acopex Alu - ALB Sistema Multicapa/Gas - AYOR SOMATHERM FOR YOU-1 - AYOR SOMATHERM FOR YOU-2 B - BAMPI BALPEX Series LP - BARBI EASYPRESS+(Industrial Blansol) - BARBI MULTIPLEX+(Industrial Blansol) - Brass Form Master Pressing - BRASSTECH MULT C - CGR DYNAFLU multicouche - Comap Multiskin - Conex Bänninger >B< Flex - DUOPIPE Systems DUOFIL MKSYSTEM D - DUOPIPE Systems DUOFIL MKSYSTEM - DW multilayer pipe Multilubo Systems E - EBRILLE Isomonflex - EBRILLE Monoflex - EFIELD MULTILAYER PRESS DINGAS - EFIELD MULTILAYER PRESS WATER - EMMETI GERPEX-FIVPRESS F - FAR Rubinetterie PRESSFAR - Fercofloor DUO Press MULTIFER - FERRO systems BRASELI GPF MULTI MULTICAPA - FERRO systems BRASELI GPF PPSU PEX y MULTI MULTICAPA - FORNARA ForPress - FORZA STESSO PEX WATER AND GAS - Fränkische alpex F PROFI G - Gallagher USA YogaPipe ACR - General Fittings 5T00 - General Fittings Ewoprex - General Fittings Series S500 - General Fittings Trident/Gas - Giacomini Raccordi RM Gioacomini - Giacomini RM MULTIGAS - Golan Pipe Systems (Scandinavia) Alu-Press H - heima24 - HELIOROMA Klimapress - Herotec TEMPUS-PRESS PLUS - HIDRONIX UNICO - Herotec TEMPUS-PRESS PLUS I - IBP >B<Flex - ICMA Sempiter - IDROSISTEMI Ta-Press - IDROSTRADE Storm Multipinza - ISOLTUBEX Multicapa - IVAR MULTIPRESS GAS ITALIANA - IVAR Multi Press MP - IVAR Multi Press Leak(MPL)+(PMPL) - IVAR Plastic Multi Press PMP J - Jäger Aquatec Aquapress H K - KANN-therm Pressing+LBP - KE KELIT/KELIT KELOX - KISAN Kistal WR - LVI-DAHL Altech-Alupex M - MAINCOR MAINPRESS - Ma.s.ter System PRESSMASTER - METAL GRUP Permatubo - METAL GRUP MultiGrup - Multicapas Industrial AIS PEX/XPRT - Multicapas Industrial multitubo systems MC - Multicapas Industrial multitubo systems MM N - NUPI Industrie Italiane Multinupi P - PERFEXIM PERFECT SYSTEM - PERFILTUBO PERFILALUPEX - Pipetec Connect - PLASTICOS FERRO FERROPLAST GPF MULT/PPSU - POLYSAN (Espana) Rainbow - Prandelli Multyrama Pf/PFM - PURMO Cleverfit Radial R - RBM Tita-fix - RIFENG U PRESS FITTING (F5) - Rubunetterie Bresciane Bonomi TURBO PRESSING S - SANHA 3fit-Press Pb-free Series 25000 - SESTA Sistema multistrato - SIGMA LI Premium - STANDARD HIDRAULICA MultiStandard T - TDM BRASS Series 1600/2600 - THERMACOME ACOPEX ALUMINIUM - TRA MULTITRAPRESS - TUBIPLAST ITALY MULTILAYER PIPE - TWEETOP U - UNICAL AG MAX-MULTIPEX - UNIDELTA DELTAPRESS V - Valsir PEXAL - VESBO VPREMIUM - VSH MultiPress Gas W - WATTS RASIANT Watts Water PEX - WATTS RADIANT Watts RadiantPEX-AL - Wavin Tigris K1/M1 X - Xtra Connect * Crimping tongs are also suitable for the REMS Eco-Press drive unit. Please note: All information without guarantee. Approvals vary depending on dimensions. The current approvals can be found at You will also find the data sheets for download in the Documents section. To product family Questions regarding itemPlease login beforehand Add to a listPlease login beforehand |
Manufacturer item no.: | 570770 |
Type: | U 18* |
Brand: | REMS |
EAN: | 4039976056427 |
Design: | Complete |
Contour code: | U |
Suitable for pipe diameter [mm]: | 18 |
Weight [kg]: | 1.94 |
Packing: | None |
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